Category: Business

How The Best Customer Service Can Help for Business Growth?

The customer service employees are the front face of the business as they are the point of contact in the most crucial times. However, the importance of customer service is highly underestimated several times. Implementing the right customer service can help in several ways to improve the relationship between the customers and the business. Are you still wondering how to find the best benefits of the right customer service? Read full report here to get to know more!

Customer Retention

Customer retention will always help in retaining customers for a longer time in the business. this retention will help in increasing the revenue and try to attract the new ones. It can be achieved through personalized offerings, experience, convenience, etc. As per the survey, 89% of the customers are more likely to complete an additional purchase following the best customer service from the business.

Customer Loyalty

Customer loyalty is the commitment of the customers to your business. when the customer is loyal to the business, they will select the same business over the competitors and this will automatically eliminate the competition. Some techniques like reward programs, good discounts, and excellent customer service can help in achieving this.

Building Strong Culture and Reputation

A brand always needs a strong culture and reputation. It is all about the psychology, attitude, and beliefs that will influence the brand experience. to develop the culture, define the values you want your employees to embrace. Visual branding is the next important element. This can be achieved with the creative and best logo, and having a good presence in social media channels.

Getting Referrals

If you are buying a new laptop or television or taking any new services like photography, makeovers, etc., what do you do? You will look for the one who already took the service or bought the product and ask for reviews. The customers who have strong opinions on your products or services will automatically market your brand in their social circle. At the same time, a bad referral can be the building block of a negative reputation and lead to driving away the right customers.

Boosting Sales

It is important to effectively handle customer service to boost the sales of the company. One can accomplish this with fast handling of any issues, adding the issues with the right solutions, offering something alternative based on the complaint filled, etc. Everyone likes to be appreciated and doing that to clients will also bring the business the best support.

Sustain Competition

Good customer service is a highly valuable selling point for the business. If two companies offer a similar service or product, one of the crucial factors to decide will be the quality of customer service. This will help customers to sustain in the heavy competition.

The Bottom Line

Thus, you might have learned about the importance of customer service for the business. Though it is very crucial, it is not that hard to obtain. Ensure you are following the right strategies and getting benefited out of it.



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Types of Annuity You Need To Know About!

You might have stumbled upon the question, ‘What is Annuity’. Ever wondered what it is? An annuity is a contract between your insurance company and you. In this, you make a lump-sum payment. You receive regular disbursements in return. There are also insurance contracts that promise to pay you a regular income. This plan secures your retirement years, thus making sure that your savings are not disturbed.

What is annuity? 

An annuity plan is a plan which you can start opting for at 40 or 45 to reap the maximum benefits. The joint-life annuity options also cover your spouse. The main benefit of an annuity is locking in the rates for an entire lifetime. Thus, it doesn’t matter at all, even if the interest rates start fluctuating a little.

What are the types of annuities?

Fixed, variable and indexed are the three types of annuities. Each type has its level of payout potential. Now that you are aware of what is Annuity, let’s look at the type of annuities-

Fixed annuity

A fixed annuity is a type of retirement investment product offered by insurance companies. It guarantees a fixed interest rate and provides a regular income stream for a predetermined period or for life. It offers stability and predictable returns, making it a popular choice for risk-averse individuals planning for retirement.

How does a typical fixed annuity work?

A fixed annuity is a typical contract that provides a guaranteed return on all contributions. The stipulated period in which you contribute is the accumulation phase. Banks, financial services companies and insurance companies sell these contracts.

Variable annuity

A typical variable annuity is a contract between the insurance company and you.It is a typical investment account which may grow on a tax-deferred basis.

When you ask yourself what is an annuity, you should also ask what variable annuity is as it is one of the integral types.

It is a retirement investment product that allows you to invest in a range of investment options, such as mutual funds, stocks, and bonds.

What happens if you change your mind?

If you change your mind, you may be able to cancel your contract within a short period of receiving the variable annuity. This happens without a surrender charge. One will receive a refund of all their purchase payments upon cancellation. They provide an opportunity for a potentially higher return, even accompanied by greater risk.

Indexed annuity

The indexed annuity is a type of contract which ideally pays an interest rate solely based on the overall performance of a specified market index. It also differs a lot from fixed annuities.

The indexed annuities give all the buyers various opportunities to benefit when the financial markets perform well.

What is annuity and how does the indexed annuities function?

An annuity, in a broader sense, is a fixed sum of money paid to someone for the rest of their life, and indexed annuities are the types of annuities which offer their owner an opportunity to earn higher yields than all fixed annuities. This happens when the financial markets perform well.

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Connecting with your audience- Building a loyal readership

Starting a blog rewarding experience you get to share your with the world, build connections, and even earn income. However, the biggest challenge bloggers face is building and keeps coming back.  When you’re just starting out, it seems to build a loyal following. But there are strategies you use to connect with readers and turn them into dedicated fans who eagerly await your next post. 

Get to know your audience

The first step is getting to your readers. You have a clear picture of your target audience so you tailor your content accordingly. Ask yourself questions like:

  1. What are their biggest pain points and interests? 
  2. What information are they seeking?
  3. Where do they hang out online?

Spend time researching your niche to your readers’ goals and what motivates them. The better your audience, the better you’ll be valued through your content.

Craft compelling headlines  

Your headlines are often the first impression readers have of your work. You have just a few seconds to grab their attention move on. They are why crafting compelling headlines is critical for connecting with readers.  Some tips for writing great headlines:

  • Focus on providing value and solving a problem for readers
  • Use curiosity-sparking questions 
  • Leverage numbers, stats, or lists
  • Try using emojis for extra visual pop

A headline that immediately shows readers you will go a long way toward building a loyal following.

Establish your voice and tone

The most successful blogs have a distinct voice and tone that readers come to and love. Make sure your voice resonates with your particular niche as well. For example, a lifestyle blogger adopts a conversational tone, while a tech blogger may sound more professional. Find what works for your blog. The blogs with the most devoted followings publish on a regular schedule, whether that’s daily, multiple times per week, or once a week. Consistency readers form a habit of checking your blog for new updates.  If you publish sporadically, it’s hard for readers to expect your content. Set a schedule you stick to so readers always get their fix of your latest posts. You need to interact with others, join relevant groups, use targeted hashtags, and find where your audience is hanging out online article on starting a blog in the website for best.

Make the subscription easy

The path of least resistance is everything. Reduce friction for readers by making it incredibly simple to subscribe to your blog.  Use opt-in boxes, slide-ins, and floating buttons to allow readers to subscribe with one click. Offer incentives like discount codes or freebies for signing up. Send a series of on boarding emails to welcome new subscribers. When it’s seamless for readers to get your latest content delivered to their inbox, you’ll have no trouble building a loyal following.

Go above and beyond

Think beyond just blog posts to truly wow your audience. What else do you create and share to overdeliver value? Surprising readers with content and extras shows you’re willing to go the extra mile to provide an amazing experience. Raising the bar like this builds immense goodwill with readers who will become raving fans. So get creative and think outside the blog box. Building a loyal readership for a new blog takes time, consistency, and creativity. But by zeroing in on your target audience, crafting captivating content, and providing value beyond the blog, start authentic connections. Before you know it, you’ll have a thriving community you publish next.

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Strategic insights- Harnessing microtransactions for profitability

Microtransactions represent a major opportunity for companies to revenue from users charging small amounts for virtual goods and features, microtransactions, and customer engagement. Follow these best practices to earnings from small transactions.

Segment Your Audience

The starting point for maximizing microtransaction profitability is to segment your audience. Build user profiles to identify high-value customers with the means and willingness to frequent small purchases target promotional offers towards these premium segments first before expanding to other tiers.

Segments to focus on often include

  1. Power users – The small percentage of players who play intensely and represent a major share of revenue. Entice them to buy upgrades like extra lives or boosters.
  2. Competitive types – Offer exclusive cosmetic enhancements, skins, or profile badges that confer status. Their desire to stand out makes them reliable microtransaction buyers.
  3. Aspiring influencers – Budding content creators and streamers invest heavily in virtual goods to enhance their image.
  4. Time-constrained users – Busy professionals may opt to buy progress boosters and skip grinding tasks.

Matching microtransaction offerings to your most profitable segments ensures revenue opportunities are maximized.

Optimize pricing strategies

The revenue potential of microtransactions depends heavily on pricing. Finding the optimal price points involves testing. Typically, $1-5 works best. Higher than that feels too expensive for an impulse buy. Lower than a dollar, and transaction fees eat into profitability. Dive into the Details at

Consider pricing tiers that provide good/better/best value anchoring. This allows you to capture value from users based on their willingness to pay. Selling virtual currency packages creates sunk cost effects that encourage more purchases.  Leverage segmentation to price discriminate. Charge competitive types more for exclusive items. Discount or bundle for high-volume power users. Dynamic pricing can maximize revenue during promotions and sales.

Position microtransactions strategically

Prominent placement is key for revenue. Position microtransaction links, badges, and reminders strategically within the user journey to prompt purchases at key moments:

  1. During onboarding – Tutorials to acquaint new users with offerings
  2. At natural blocks – When the user gets stuck and needs an upgrade to progress
  3. On menu screens – Reminding users of available microtransactions
  4. After accomplishments – Let users celebrate wins by buying commemorative virtual goods
  5. On loading screens – Idle time between levels offers purchase opportunities

Make it as easy as possible for users to find and buy microtransactions. Don’t hide options in obscure corners.

Reduce friction throughout the funnel

Each point of friction in the purchase funnel results in dropped users. To maximize revenue, and minimize hassles during the microtransaction process:

  • Simplify signup – Auto-populate forms and allow guest checkout.
  • Store payment details – Saving credit card info encourages repeat purchases.
  • Provide payment options – Allow payment alternatives like mobile wallets, cards, and carrier billing.
  • Improve speed – Fast loading and transaction processing prevents abandonment.
  • Enhance UX – Clear calls-to-action, visible balances, intuitive interfaces.
  • Offer support – Help resources in case users need transaction assistance.
  • Remind gently – Notifications should nudge but not annoy users to transact.

Optimizing the microtransaction funnel experience drives conversion, retention, and customer satisfaction.

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Strategic Financial Planning for Start-ups: Why It’s Crucial


Start-ups, by their very nature, are ventures fueled by innovation, ambition, and a vision for the future. Amidst the excitement of developing groundbreaking products or services, it’s easy to overlook the significance of strategic financial planning. However, effective financial planning is not just reserved for established businesses; it’s a cornerstone for the success and sustainability of start-ups. This article delves into why strategic financial planning is crucial for start-ups and how it lays the foundation for growth and long-term success.

The Importance of Strategic Financial Planning

  1. Clarity in Resource Allocation: Start-ups often operate on limited resources, making it essential to allocate funds efficiently. Strategic financial planning helps prioritize spending on critical areas, such as product development, marketing, and talent acquisition.
  2. Risk Management: Start-ups face numerous uncertainties, from market fluctuations to unexpected expenses. A well-structured financial plan includes risk assessment and mitigation strategies, reducing the impact of potential setbacks.
  3. Attracting Investors: Investors seek start-ups with a clear financial roadmap. A strategic financial plan demonstrates a thorough understanding of the business’s financial needs and potential returns, making it more appealing to potential investors.
  4. Sustainable Growth: Start-ups aim for rapid growth, but this must be balanced with financial stability. A strategic financial plan guides growth by ensuring the availability of resources while avoiding overextension.

Components of Strategic Financial Planning

  1. Budgeting: Creating a detailed budget that outlines projected revenue and expenses helps start-ups track their financial health and make informed decisions.
  2. Cash Flow Management: Managing cash flow is critical. A strategic financial plan ensures that there’s enough cash to cover operational needs, preventing liquidity issues.
  3. Financial Forecasting: Forecasting estimates future financial performance based on historical data and market trends. It provides insights for decision-making and identifying potential challenges.
  4. Capital Structure Planning: Determining the right mix of equity and debt financing is crucial for start-ups. A well-structured capital plan helps maintain a healthy balance sheet.
  5. Sensitivity Analysis: Examining the impact of various scenarios on financial projections helps identify vulnerabilities and informs risk management strategies.
  6. Exit Strategy: Even though it may seem premature, having an exit strategy in place is essential. Whether through acquisition, IPO, or other means, it guides long-term planning.

Benefits of Strategic Financial Planning for Start-ups

  1. Alignment with Goals: A strategic financial plan is aligned with the start-up’s goals, ensuring that every financial decision contributes to the overall vision.
  2. Early Problem Identification: Financial planning highlights potential issues before they escalate, giving start-ups the chance to address challenges proactively.
  3. Capital Efficiency: Start-ups can avoid wasteful spending and direct resources where they are most needed, increasing the efficiency of their operations.
  4. Investor Confidence: A robust financial plan demonstrates professionalism, leading to increased investor confidence and potential funding opportunities.
  5. Adaptability: As start-ups evolve, their financial needs change. Strategic financial planning provides the flexibility to adjust goals and strategies accordingly.

Considerations for Start-ups

  1. Realistic Assumptions: Base your financial projections on realistic assumptions. Overly optimistic estimates can lead to poor decision-making.
  2. Regular Review: A strategic financial plan is not static. Regularly review and update it to reflect changes in the business landscape.
  3. Expertise: If financial planning is not your expertise, consider hiring professionals or seeking guidance from mentors who have experience in start-up financial management.
  4. Scenario Planning: Develop multiple scenarios to account for a range of outcomes. This helps in being prepared for different possibilities.


Strategic financial planning is not just a task for established businesses; it’s a vital practice for start-ups that seek to thrive in a competitive landscape. By laying out clear financial goals, projections, and risk management strategies, start-ups can make informed decisions that contribute to their growth and success. A strategic financial plan serves as a roadmap, guiding the start-up’s journey, attracting investors, and positioning it for sustainable long-term achievement.

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What is securities lending and how does it work in Singapore?

Securities lending is becoming a popular way for investors in Singapore to earn extra revenue with their existing assets. As an individual investor, becoming a securities lender in the city may be more challenging compared to institutional investors, as it is an activity that requires a significant amount of capital and operational infrastructure. Nevertheless, there are ways that individual investors can participate in securities lending.

In this article, we look at what securities lending is, how it works, and its appeal to investors. We will also explain some of the risks involved in the activity and present some ways you can minimise them. If you are interested in securities lending in Singapore, this will provide a good foundation of knowledge on your journey to becoming a securities lender.

What is securities lending?

Securities lending is a process by which investors lend securities, such as stocks or bonds, to other investors or financial institutions for a period in exchange for collateral. The borrower agrees to return the securities to the lender later, along with any agreed-upon and accrued interest or fee.

How does securities lending work?

Securities lending typically works when a market participant wants to borrow securities – either to short sell or to settle a trade. Some assets are in higher demand than others in the market, and lenders will have an easier time loaning them out.

Brokers, custodian banks, and securities lending agents facilitate the lending process, and they match lenders to borrowers. They negotiate the terms of the loan, including the interest fee, custody fee, and other operational charges to be paid by the borrower to the lender.

The borrower borrows the securities by providing collateral, such as cash or other securities, to the lender. This collateral is typically worth more than the value of the borrowed securities to minimise the chances of the borrower defaulting on the loan. The facilitator then transfers the securities to the borrower’s account, while the lender maintains legal ownership of the securities.

The borrower can then use the borrowed securities for a specified period as outlined in their contract terms, and this typically ranges from a few days to a few months. After this time, the borrower pays an interest or a fee to the lender, and the lender returns the collateral to the borrower.

Is securities lending legal in Singapore?

Securities lending is legal in Singapore. The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) is the country’s central bank and financial regulator, and it permits securities lending activities in Singapore under certain conditions. More details can be found on their official website, which updates regularly.

What is the appeal of being a securities lender?

There are many benefits of being a securities lender, including the potential for profit which can lead to additional income, the contribution to market efficiency, risk management, and having an improved portfolio performance. Let’s go through each one in turn.

Additional income

One of the primary benefits of being a securities lender is the ability to generate additional income should the asset be in high demand from market participants. By lending out securities to other investors, lenders can earn an interest, which can supplement their investment returns.

Contribution to market efficiency

Lenders can also contribute to market efficiency by improving it with securities lending. When they loan their securities, they facilitate short selling and other trading activities. Short selling, in particular, can help identify overvalued securities and prevent market bubbles from forming.

Risk management

During times of market downturn, securities lenders can choose to loan the security and earn income on it while waiting for market conditions to improve. This can help them reduce the losses they incur while they ride out market uncertainties.

Improved portfolio performance

Finally, securities lending can improve a trader’s overall portfolio performance when a trader decides to loan out securities they are not currently using. This is because other market participants can put those securities into use and generate revenue. This can improve the lender’s overall portfolio performance.

What are the risks involved in securities lending?

Nevertheless, there are risks involved in securities trading, and they include counterparty risk, collateral risk, market risk, and legal and regulatory risk. Below, we look at them in more detail and provide tips on how you can minimise these risks.

Counterparty risk

For every asset you lend, there will be a borrower, who is your counterparty. Counterparty risk is the risk of the borrower defaulting on the loan and failing to return the securities to the lender. When this happens, the lender will lose their securities. To lower the chances of this happening, you should make sure the borrower always provides a collateral that can cover the value of the borrowed securities.

Collateral risk

Collateral risk is the risk that the value of the collateral provided by the borrower declines in value, leading to it not being able to cover the value of the borrowed securities. Collateral risk is present usually for non-cash collateral, such as other forms of securities, as they can decline in value depending on market conditions. To minimise this risk, you should accept collateral in the form of cash, or you should carefully consider the securities presented as collateral by staying up to date with the market conditions of the assets.

Market risk

Market risk is the risk of the market fluctuating, causing the value of the securities to decline during the loan period. If the value of the securities falls, the borrower may not be able to provide sufficient collateral to cover the loss. This results in a loss for the lender too. To limit market risk, you should keep a close eye on the market of the securities you loan, and you should diversify the securities you loan so that one market’s downturn will not cause you to lose a large sum of money.

Legal and regulatory risk

Finally, the MAS regulates securities lending in Singapore. Changes to regulations they pass may impact the legality and profitability of securities lending activities. Therefore, you should always keep an eye on the local regulations and laws to ensure that you understand what you are doing.

How to be a securities lender in Singapore

If you are an individual investor looking to become a securities lender in Singapore, you can do so by joining a lending programme facilitated by a broker, a custodian bank, or through a securities lending agent. One of the most common ways to do this is through a broker, where you can loan out your existing assets in an investment account to earn extra income.

Working with a broker

As an individual investor, you can open an account with a broker that offers securities lending. When you fulfil their minimum account balance requirements and other eligibility criteria, you will be able to participate in the scheme should you sign up for it. Once you activate your account, you can choose which securities you want to loan depending on its demand from market participants. When you work with a broker, you will not need to have a large amount of capital, as your broker will likely pool your assets together with those of their other clients.

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How many hours must a part-time worker put in to qualify for benefits?

Before the passage and implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), “full-time employees” meant those who regularly put in 40 hours or more. Those who worked less than 40 hours per week were classified as part-time workers, as were those who worked fewer than 10, 25, or any other number of hours.

On the other hand, the Affordable Care Act defines “full-time” employment as 30 or more hours worked each week or 130 or more hours worked each month. A lot of people in the workforce are probably thinking, “What exactly constitutes full-time?” because of this discrepancy. Do I have a legal right to perks from my employer if I work 30 hours or more each week? In a nutshell, how many hours can a part-time employee work without benefits?

The right answer is “It depends.”

Health insurance must be provided to employees who put in at least 30 hours per week or 130 hours per month by companies with 50 or more full-time or full-time equivalent (FTE) workers. A tax penalty might be assessed against a business if it is found that no benefits are being provided to workers.

  • Companies with less than 50 full-time employees may choose whether or not to provide benefits to their employees. Employees are not guaranteed any perks. The decision will be made by the company itself.
  • Seasonal workers are not obliged to be counted as part of an organization’s full-time equivalent workforce.
  • Smaller businesses are exempt from the employer mandate provisions of the Affordable Care Act, but they are still free to provide health insurance to their employees if they so want.

If you are unsure of how to calculate the size of your group under the Affordable Care Act and you employ both full-time and part-time employees, you may visit or and utilise the calculators provided there.

At the company’s exclusive discretion

Although many businesses with less than 50 FTE equivalent workers do provide benefits, doing so is not required by law. All that’s required is that businesses treat their employees fairly. All employees are subject to the same standards when it comes to determining their eligibility for benefits. If the company chooses to impose a 30-, 35-, or 40-hour minimum, it will apply to all workers. An employee may allege discrimination if their company requires them to put in 40 hours of labour before they are entitled for benefits while providing them after just 36 hours of work.


Many smaller businesses in today’s tight labour market have realised that offering incentives to their staff is the most effective way to both recruit and retain the finest employees. Workers like these bonuses, especially the opportunity to get health coverage. The MetLife Annual Benefit Trends Study for 2021 found that 86% of workers saw health insurance as a “must have” benefit, while 10% viewed it as a “nice to have.”

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Digital Banking: Revolutionizing Financial Management

In today’s fast-paced and interconnected world, banking is undergoing a profound revolution. Digital banking, the futuristic way of managing finances, has emerged as a game-changer, offering individuals unprecedented convenience, efficiency, and control over their money.

With the click of a button or the tap of a screen, customers can now access a wide array of financial services, make transactions, and monitor their accounts from the comfort of their homes or while on the go.

In this article, we will discuss the captivating benefits of digital banking, exploring its transformative power and the exciting opportunities it holds for the future of money management. So, get ready as we embark on a journey to unravel the marvels of digital banking, where technology and finance converge to shape a new era of financial empowerment.

What is digital banking?

Online banking involves performing banking tasks using online portals or mobile apps. In online banking, operations such as depositing money or accessing transaction records can now be easily carried out online rather than through physical visits.

The integration of digital banking has also brought about new functionalities such as automatic payments, credit card management, financial tracking, analysis, and others. Such features have helped simplify banking-related procedures to a great extent.

  • What are the benefits offered by digital banking?

  • Convenience at your fingertips:

Digital banking offers customers an unprecedented level of convenience and accessibility. With the ability to access their accounts through online portals and mobile apps at any time, customers can now oversee their balances, check their transactions, and make payments from anywhere in the world. Managing their financial matters while on the move has given people the power to handle their finances in ways they never could.

  • Enhanced security measures:

Although digital banking has been criticized for security issues, technology has greatly enhanced safety measures in digital banking. Saving online bank and financial establishments are now implementing encryption, multi-factor authentication, and biometric technologies to protect customer data and secure transactions.

Additionally, digital banking apps have built-in security features, such as real-time transaction alerts and the ability to freeze temporarily or block cards in case of suspected fraud contributing to a secure banking environment. In light of these protective measures, digital banking has emerged as an equally, if not more, secure method than traditional banking.

  • Saving time and money:

Transactions that used to require multiple steps and manual processes can now be completed quickly and easily online. Money transfers, bill payments, and savings account management can all be done within minutes, saving precious time and reducing administrative burdens. Moreover, digital banking often comes with many rewards in basic transactions, resulting in consumer cost savings.

  • Financial Inclusion:

Digital banking has played a critical role in enhancing financial inclusion. It has opened banking saving account to the rural populations, particularly in developing countries. With the addition of mobile phones, individuals without access to traditional banking services can now perform basic financial transactions through digital banking. This inclusion enables financial empowerment, access to credit, and participation in the formal economy for millions of previously excluded people.

Ultimately, digital banking has provided numerous advantages that have altered how we handle our finances. These include advantages such as ease of use and availability, cost efficiency, better financial management, and improved security measures.

We can anticipate further developments in digital banking as technology advances, bringing additional innovative features and services to enhance the overall experience and making it an essential tool for individuals and companies alike in the future.

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